Understanding and Coping with Grief

When we think of grief, death is what typically comes to mind. However, grief is ultimately the experience of loss. It may involve death, but it can also be from divorce, termination of a job, the end of a friendship, change in physical health, or even the realization that a goal can no longer be met. Grief can be a part of more positive life experiences, too. Common milestones or changes, whether expected or unexpected, such as graduating school, getting married, or moving to a new home, can come with mixed emotions, including grief.

Everyone experiences grief differently. It can manifest in physical, mental, spiritual, cognitive, and behavioral ways. There is no specific timeline that grief follows and no right or wrong way to grieve. It’s not helpful to compare yourself to others since your experience is unique to you.

Grief is a very natural response to the experience of loss and is something that all of us will experience during our lifetimes. Learning how to cope with grief in healthy ways is important. Here are a few strategies to keep in mind:

Grief is one of the top-ten reasons that clients use their mental health benefit through ERC. If you are struggling with a loss, reach out to your EAP for free and confidential mental health counseling.

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