Balance for Dual-Career Couples

Many people are part of what’s known as a dual-career couple (DCC), or couple in which both partners work. Statistics show that 81% of women and 63% of men are part of a dual-career couple. As you may have personally experienced, it can be challenging to balance, especially when there are children or other responsibilities involved. Here are a few helpful things to consider when it comes to dual-career couples.

Champion Each Other’s Careers

Share Household Duties

“While 70 percent of men in opposite-gender DCCs believe they share household duties equally with their partners, only 42 percent of women agree.” 1 Further, “research shows that individuals in DCCs who share home responsibilities equally are less likely to feel burned out.”1 Sharing the burden of household duties equally is essential for supporting the mental health of you and your partner.

Make Time for Family and Your Relationship

Work on Creating Balance

Find Help When Needed

Even the strongest relationships require work, intention, and commitment to be successful. If you feel that your relationship could stand to be strengthened, your EAP is a great resource to utilize for couples counseling.

Source: (1) Chen, C., Huang, J., Obeid, M., & Zucker, J. (2022, February 14). Supporting employees in the work-life balancing act. McKinsey & Company. Retrieved from

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